Journalling for Personal and Professional Growth
Navigating the Four Stages of Flow for Peak Performance
Delves deeper into the practical application of achieving and sustaining flow. Flow is essential not just for athletes or artists; it's a powerful state that enhances performance, creativity, and satisfaction across all areas of life, from daily chores to complex professional tasks. From the mind of a purposeful leadership coach and trainer, Dr. Sivakumar Kumaresan.
Mastering Flow: 6 Key Elements to Boost Your Performance
When in flow, individuals are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. The experience is so engaging and enjoyable that it can be pursued even at great cost, for the sheer sake of the activity itself. Flow is characterised by a profound sense of creativity and productivity, where time may seem to either slow down or speed up. Learn more about flow from a purposeful leadership coach and trainer, Dr. Sivakumar Kumaresan